The Best Weekly Workout Plan

April 20, 2023

Whether you're a seasoned Pilates goer or brand new to exercise, having a weekly workout schedule can help you remain consistent and advance you toward your fitness goals. The question you’re all burning to know the answer to – what is the best weekly workout plan?

We hate to break it to you, but there is no one-size-fits-all method. If you want to increase your fitness, the magic number of days relies on how busy you are! But if you’re seeking a weekly workout routine that incorporates strength training, cardio, and rest, this blog is for you. 

2-3 Pilates sessions per week

We recommend a combination of Matwork and Reformer Pilates classes to spread throughout your week. Why both? Well, they each provide different types of workouts and can exercise different muscle groups. Matwork is incredibly strong on the core and relies on your own strength and resistance. It's just you and the mat - there is no room to hide! Whereas the Reformer carousel supports you with the straps and the carriage, the weight resistance of the springs packs a punch! Pilates is a fantastic low-impact form of exercise that will:  

🔥 Increase muscle strength and tone, particularly of the abs, mid back, and glutes

🔥 Improve flexibility, reducing the chance of injuries due to strengthening the core

🔥 Enhance mobility and help you perform daily activities without pain

2 Cardio sessions per week 

Whilst HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training, don't let this term fool you: we offer both high and low-impact options at PPF! HIIT is a cardio-based form of exercise that burns fat, increases muscle tone and strength, and boosts your overall fitness levels. Each class consists of exercises performed at a high intensity followed by a shorter period of rest or active recovery. You can do more than 2 HIIT classes a week, but we suggest this to begin. Adequate recovery time is necessary between cardiovascular workouts, especially if HIIT is new to you. 

Barre classes are also a fantastic form of cardio that you can incorporate into your weekly workout plan. Barre is a great way to fit in a full-body, muscle endurance workout. To work out the entire body, each segment of a Barre class typically focuses on a different major muscle group, training the arms, legs, glutes, and core. The best part is that you don’t need to be flexible or have a history in dance to participate.

Cardiovascular exercise such as HIIT and Barre has an abundance of benefits. Here are a few of our favs! 

💯 Improves mental health: there is evidence to suggest that regular HIIT classes can increase dopamine and serotonin levels in the body

💯 Burns lots of calories during the workout itself, as well as increasing your resting metabolic rate post-class! 

💯 Is wonderful for heart health, as well as reducing the risk of many diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes, strokes, and more

💯 Increases your strength, fitness, cardiovascular endurance, immune system and so much more 

1 Yoga or Stretch class

When you get consistent in a workout routine, your movements become automatic, and your bodies can adjust fast. If you perform the same routine repeatedly, without mixing up your workouts, your body adapts, no longer “surprising” your muscles… so they can get lazy. 

Adding Yoga to your weekly workout routine is one way to surprise your muscles, particularly if you are new to yoga and have never attempted the postures. This is a brilliant way to gain more muscle and balance. 

The following are just a few of the many health benefits of adding Yoga or a Stretch class to your weekly workout routine.

🧘 Reduces the risk of injuries

🧘 Improves muscle tightness/aches from exercise

🧘 Assists with joint mobility

🧘 Helps your muscles work most effectively

🧘 Increases flexibility & improves posture  

1 Rest day

Don’t forget to factor in some sweet, sweet rest! 

We highly recommend a day off from working out, and time to be easy on your body. Rest days are an essential component of any fitness routine. They allow the body to repair and recover while also helping prevent injury. Please do yourself a favour and take a day off, at least once every 7-10 days. 

PPF Tips 

Tip 1: Try not to do the same class type on back-to-back days.

Tip 2. Start slow. Especially if you’re a beginner, try one Pilates class, one HIIT class, and one stretch class a week, and then work your way up to two of each as your body feels ready. 

Tip 3. Remember that a varied exercise routine will give you the best results - it will keep your body guessing! 

Want to get started on your Pilates journey? Come and try your first week at one of our Brisbane Pilates studios for just $15. We are proudly Brisbane’s most affordable Pilates and group fitness studio. Learn more about the classes we offer here.

Check out our blog: The Benefits of a Varied Exercise Routine to find out more about consistency!

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