Hi everyone! Emily here, co-owner of PP.
When it comes to life, humans are such creatures of habit. This is no different with our exercise routines. We go to the same gym for years, do the same walk on the treadmill or the same group class, do the same run around our neighbour, the same number of laps when we swim. And we wonder why we don't see the results we want.
Don't get me wrong, regular exercise is good for you, but the exact same exercise regime week after week will not provide you with the benefits you seek; such as weight loss, muscle tone, non-boredom etc. You need a varied exercise program to reap these benefits!

Benefit 1: Assist in varying fitness goals, such as weight loss.
Your body gets used to doing the same type of exercise very quickly. It becomes very efficient at that particular type of exercise and you burn fewer calories.
By trying a different type of exercise and challenging yourself, your body will burn more calories, as it will need to adapt to the new exercise. Think of it as a good shock to your system!

Benefit 2: Work Different Muscle Groups
Have you ever focused purely on one form of exercise, so that when you tried another exercise routine you were sore for days after? How could this happen; you were so fit with the one exercise regime! I have come across this so many times. This is because different types of exercise work different muscles. The best approach for exercise to do a bit of everything:
Strength training: Matwork Pilates
Resistance training: Reformer Pilates or HIIT using weights
Cardiovascular exercise: Barre or HIIT
Stretching: Yoga or Stretch classes
All this varied exercise will improve your fitness and strength.

Benefit 3: Prevents Boredom
Over my years as a fitness instructor, I have come across this statement more times than I can count; ‘I stopped doing Pilates / running / swimming etc because I got bored.’
The secret to keeping exercise fresh and exciting is VARIETY! Try different classes, as you may find that you love them more than the current exercise you are doing. We often have clients join our studio to do Reformer Pilates, but very quickly find that they absolutely love Barre class and Pilates Matwork classes! My advice if you are feeling bored: look at the other classes your studio offers. You may have never thought of trying a Pilates Matwork class or a Yoga class; give it a go. It may become your new favourite class!

Benefit 4: Discover New Workout Buddies
When you try a new exercise class, you may find a new bestie! What Chris and I particularly love about our studio is that several of our clients become friends during classes. You may bond over the instructors terrible counting or over how challenging an exercise was. Next thing you know you are all going out for Saturday afternoon drinks or dinner together; this has happened several times in the PPF community!
Also, how much more likely are you to come to class if your friend is joining you?! They will hold you accountable to your exercise regime.

Benefit 5: Prevents Overusing Muscles
Performing the same form of exercise and similar movements over and over again can sometimes lead to repetitive injury strain of your muscles. Mixing up your movement patterns with varied forms of exercise will work different muscles and will give overused muscles, joints and ligaments a break.

Want to Learn about our Classes? This guide breaks down every class type so you know what to expect when to come to class.
Check out our Timetable to find a time that suits your schedule.
New members can try a week of unlimited classes for just $15, by claiming our New Member Offer.
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