Is Barre a Good Workout?

January 20, 2022

YES! Barre workouts are extremely popular these days, and rightfully so! Barre workouts take inspiration from dance, HIIT and Pilates to create a fun, upbeat way to move your body. Let’s break down all the benefits as to why you should choose a Barre class for your next workout.

No Need for Bulky Equipment!

Barre classes don’t require any big pieces of equipment (props like Pilates balls/bands and hand weights are incorporated) so it’s all bodyweight movements.

One of the most important benefits of bodyweight exercise is its ability to improve your cardiovascular endurance and muscle strength all at once. You get a cardio workout from changing positions and elevating your heart rate, while your bodyweight and gravity work together to help you build muscle.

Barre Benefits the Entire Body

Barre classes are also largely associated with the ‘booty burn’ which is definitely true, however, barre classes are also a fantastic way to build core strength. Since all the movements are done standing, it targets the core in a more functional way. This means your core is activated during the whole class!

Another area that’s targeted is pelvic/hip stability. There are many movements where you are transferring your body weight from two feet to one/balancing on one leg which challenges the deep hip muscles to assist pelvic stability. These movements will aid your form when running/jumping or anything where your legs are moving independently from each other.  

Barre is Less Strenuous on the Joints 

Another great aspect of Barre is the fact that it’s much kinder on the joints compared to a HIIT class. There is little to no impact on the joints meaning that people of all ages and fitness levels can attend a Barre class.

If anything, Barre movements increase stability within the joints so that you can build up strength to eventually partake in high impact activities. Therefore, making it the perfect steppingstone.  

Exercise for the Mind and Body

Barre is not only beneficial for the body, but also the brain! Barre classes are choreographed to music, matching each movement to a beat in the music. The movements are also forever evolving and adding variations – so you’ve got to keep the brain working!

Adding on, you’ve also got to think about form throughout it all. This might sound a little overwhelming but the instructor is with you every step of the way, literally! They are constantly giving cues and demonstrating the movements to help you so it’s not all on you to remember everything.    

Barre Classes are Fun!

Last but not least, Barre is so much fun! You’re moving to upbeat music, using props and learning new ‘moves’ all at the same time! If you don’t get the movements quite right or move off the beat, it almost makes it more fun as Barre meant to challenge you. Like anything, the more you practice it, the better you’ll get.  


All in all, there are endless positive reasons to attend a barre class. It’s such a fun, fresh and challenging way to move your body. So, the next time you’re booking in your workouts, try a barre class! It might just be your new favourite way of moving.

Interested in trying a Barre class? Click here to read our tips to maximising your barre workout.

Wanting to incorporate barre into your weekly workout schedule? Learn more about the importance of a varied exercise routine here.

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