365 Days of Health & Wellness

November 9, 2021

We often see lots of tips about how to stay healthy and active during the warmer or cooler months. This really bugs anyone in the health & wellness industry, as we want everyone to follow these behaviours all year round. We know that our clients who have the best results, both physically and mentally, are the ones we see working on their health and fitness 365 days a year. Therefore, we would love to encourage everyone to strive for 365 days of health & wellness, rather than a short term goal. Below we share some simple health & wellness life hacks that will hold you accountable to this year round, very achievable goal!

Schedule in your fitness classes

Try to schedule in and book in classes ahead of time to keep yourself accountable. This way, you don’t have to plan a workout. You can just show up and be told what to do by the instructor. This can really help to remove the lack of motivation! This can also help with keeping consistent as it’s simple to book classes that work with your schedule every week. Consistency is key!


Do workouts that make you feel good

Leading on from booking in classes – make sure you book / schedule classes that you actually love doing! If you book into a class that you know you’ll dread, it’s likely that you will make any excuse not to go. Don't feel like you have to do a certain class type if others love it but you do not. Decide what workouts get you motivated, happy and leave you feeling inspired!


Workout with a friend or family member

Once you’ve booked yourself into a class that you know you will enjoy, rope in a friend or family member to go with you! This can really help with motivation, knowing you will be able to catch up with a friendly face while you exercise. Bringing a friend can also be comforting if you’re trying a new style of exercise and nervous about what to expect.


Wear your favourite activewear

This can seem a bit simple or vain, however, if you feel good in what you’re wearing, you’re going to be more motivated and excited to exercise! This doesn’t necessarily mean going to the shops and spending an excessive of money on activewear (but go for it if you like), this just means finding comfortable clothes that are easy to move in and make you happy. Whether that just means wearing your favourite colours or a fun pattern. Having designated activewear clothes that you love can really help with creating a positive mindset before exercising. The PPF instructors absolutely love their Moveactive non slip socks for their personal workouts!


Set up a positive space for movement

This tip is more for when you’re wanting to do a home workout. It’s important to set up a space that excites you and makes you want to move! Try to set up a designated area for exercising. Placing a Pilates mat down and having a space for some bands or hand weights can make it much easier to get started. You can always get some inspiration from our very own online workouts where the instructor is guiding you through every step of the way! You can also see how their space is set up to steal some inspiration.


Play music you love

This is such a crucial part of exercising – at least it is for me! Picking a playlist tailored for the kind of workout you’re doing can make such a positive impact. For example, if you’re wanting to do a higher intensity workout, pop on a playlist with upbeat music to boost your energy levels. Or, if you’re wanting a more chill vibe for a Pilates Matwork or yoga workout, put on some calm tunes to help get you in the right headspace.


All these tips will help with your exercise routine; however, the most helpful tip is be consistent! Plan a schedule that works for you and something that you know you can stick to.

Want more 365 Days of Health & Wellness? Read our 5 Steps to Maintaining Wellness and 5 Simple Mindfulness Exercises!

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