Why Pilates is Perfect For Busy Mums

September 15, 2022

Wake up, wake the kids up, get them fed, dressed and off to school, do the cleaning, meal prep, attend to other life duties, get the kids from school, feed them, take them to their after-school activities, be a taxi for 3 hours, feed the family dinner, help the kids with their homework, bath/shower time and bed time. Sound familiar? Don’t worry, we have your back! Although we can’t help with most of those family activities, we can help bring some zen, focus and self-care back into your day! In this blog, we will discuss how Pilates can give you some ‘me time’, explain why you need to strengthen your pelvic floor, help improve mobility to be able to pick up/play with your children and why our express classes are the perfect fit for you!

'Me Time'

As a mum, you wear so many hats and it can be difficult to find time to just focus on being you and doing things that bring you joy! There is no doubt that mothers are selfless in every way which is beautiful, but can also result in a lack of self-care. A Pilates class is a brilliant way to bring focus back to yourself and your body and move it in a way that’s gentle but also challenging.

Pilates is not only physically challenging but also mentally stimulating. Leading a busy life can lead to brain fog and procrastination. But in a Pilates class, you are forced to focus on your breathing and the movements which gives your brain a break from the outside world. You will leave the class with a clearer mind and more motivation to complete your other duties due to the endorphin release. It’s a win, win for all the busy mums!

Pelvic Floor

Ah the pelvic floor! We hear a lot about it and that it’s so important to have a well-functioning pelvic floor, but why? Essentially, your pelvic floor’s job is to support and hold up every single organ in your body, so yes, it’s very important! Unfortunately, the pelvic floor can be damaged/become weak for a number of reasons but the main one is pregnancy and child birth.

In Pilates, you’ll learn how to be able to activate the pelvic floor if it’s weak, learn how to relax it if it’s hyperactive but also how to dial it up and dial it down! It’s important to know when it needs to be ‘on’ and when it can ‘relax’. Truthfully, your pelvic floor will never be ‘off’ as mentioned before, it must hold everything in and up! BUT, like any muscle in the body, it’s great to be able to strengthen it and control its intensity, especially if it’s been through any sort of great load or trauma. Pilates is the most effective and efficient way to improve this, especially if you’re short for time.

Mobility, flexibility and strength

Picking up babies/young children, playing with them, and cleaning up after them is physical work! You need a great deal of mobility, flexibility and strength to complete these tasks without injuring yourself. This is why Pilates is your best friend!

Pilates focuses on core strength, pelvic and joint stability and overall flexibility to help you through everyday life without encountering pain. Pilates teaches you how to change positions efficiently that directly correlate to everyday life.

For example, to pick up your child, you need to know how to squat with correct form so the load does not move into the spine. And then to actually lift your child, you need to have core strength so once again, the load does not move into the back. Practicing these kinds of movements is key to becoming unconsciously competent which simply means you won’t ever have to think about form, your body will remember how to do it – because you have more than enough to think about already!

Express Classes 

Here at PPF, we offer lunchtime express classes for anyone who requires that little bit of ‘me time’ in their day. Express classes are 35 minutes long which is short enough for busy mums to fit in their schedule but long enough to receive a full workout! Our current express classes include reformer, Jumpboard and also HIIT at both studios.  

So next time you’re booking in for your Pilates class and you feel like trying something new, give the express classes a go! We understand, you’re doing amazing and we are here for you busy mums!

Interested in trying an express Pilates or HIIT class? View our Camp Hill and Coorparoo Studio timetables here.

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