The Benefits of Exercise on Holiday

June 6, 2023

There are always two types of people on holiday: the person who’s counting down the days to a relaxing break from routine VS the person worried that their fitness will plateau if they don’t get their regular workouts in. So, here’s some reasons to keep moving each day, whilst out of your usual routine…

1. Physical health 

Hustle for the muscle. Regular exercise helps maintain good physical health by strengthening muscles, improving cardiovascular function, and boosting the immune system. Engaging in physical activity during your vacation can help offset the potential effects of indulging in rich foods. But, you know us! At PPF we’re all about balance. A moment on the lips is NOT forever on the hips. Despite what Rachael's sister says in Friends. Enjoy what you eat!

2. Mental well-being 

Sore today, but strong tomorrow! Both physically and mentally… Exercise has a positive impact on mental health by reducing stress, and anxiety, and improving your overall happiness! Engaging in exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. Say less. 

3. Setting a positive example 

When you get your sweat on during the holidays it sets a positive example for your family and friends. Don’t believe us? Well, by demonstrating your commitment to health and fitness, you’ll be inspiring others to join you and prioritize their well-being.

“Don’t adapt to the energy in the room. Influence the energy in the room.”

It can also be an opportunity for shared activities and quality time with loved ones. Invite your family to join you in a plank challenge. Set the stopwatch and see who can hold it for the longest. 

Remember, exercising during the holidays doesn't have to be overly strenuous or time-consuming. Incorporating simple activities like walking can still provide significant benefits. 

4. Maintain your momentum

There’s nothing worse than putting in the hard work to then lose it. After a fitness break, you can expect to lose momentum, making it much harder to perform the exercises you were once nailing. According to scientific research, it can take between 2-12 weeks to get back on track – depending on the individual. One thing we know for sure is that occasionally exercising whilst you're on holiday is better than doing no fitness at all. 

Check out some of our top tips at PPF to stay motivated on holiday! 

- Set realistic goals: Set achievable exercise goals that are attainable on your holiday. Consider your schedule, commitments, and energy levels. Instead of aiming for long and intense workouts, focus on consistency and finding opportunities for physical activity throughout the day. 

- Get creative: Don't limit yourself from exercising if you don’t have access to the equipment of a Reformer. Take advantage of your holiday environment and try out different types of exercise. Mixing things up can keep your routine fresh and exciting. Our Online Studio has over 100 different workouts that you can try from Pilates, to HIIT, Yoga, or a relaxing stretch class after a long day walking on cobblestones!

- Involve others: Exercise with friends or family members to make it a social activity. Do a group Pilates session, enjoy a walk all together, or head out for a family bike ride. Having accountability and support can boost motivation and make exercising more enjoyable, and probably pretty entertaining too… 

- Be flexible: Recognize that holidays can be busy and unpredictable. Be flexible with your exercise routine and don't stress if you miss a workout. Instead of aiming for perfection, focus on consistency over time. Even short bursts of activity can be beneficial. That’s why we’ve got workouts on our Online Studio that range from 5 minutes to 50 minutes. Do whatever works for you! 

By implementing these tips, we hope that you can maintain your exercise routine during the holidays and enjoy the benefits of staying active. But if you’re still lacking motivation, working out with an online instructor is a great way to improve your form and technique, plus, a guided practice will hold you more accountable and see you through a complete workout.

No matter where you are in the world, you can access the PPF Online Studio featuring over 100 workouts for just $1 per week ($52 a year)! Join your favourite PPF instructors in Matwork, Reformer, Barre, HIIT, Yoga, Stretch and more in the Online Studio.

Want to try our online workouts? Click HERE for a Complimentary Ab & Booty workout! Enjoy a complimentary 7 day trial when you sign up for the PPF Online Studio as well!

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