Pilates Instructing 101

October 22, 2023

In this blog we’re laying it out on the table; the bread and butter to Pilates instructing and how to best support your clients. 

We’ll take one for the team and admit that it’s easy to fall into a professional routine as a Pilates instructor, especially when your schedule is tight and at times repetitive. So much so, overlooking the needs of clients can be easy to do, purely because we see them often. However, it's important for us as instructors to actively work against becoming too comfortable or stagnant in our teaching approach. Here are 3 ways to ensure your clients feel satisfied and supported in their practice. 

Set the vibes right!

The ball is in your court – it’s up to you as the instructor to set the energy in each class. Cranking your fav playlist and choosing music to help set the space is a great way to do so. But, setting the atmosphere goes deeper than that. 

Making the Pilates studio a joyous and inviting space is important. Intentionally greeting each of your clients with a friendly smile to make them feel known and valued is a simple way to welcome them. We get it – this is literally common knowledge, but it’s very easy to overlook these things when you’re busy. 

We find that the most practical way to invest in a client relationship is by learning their name quickly (also common knowledge but so easy to let pass you by when you’re busy). So, whatever it takes for you, do it. Learn people's names. Make an effort to refer to them personally. Offering personalised attention will create a space where your client feels acknowledged, seen, and heard. 

Another instant and lovely way to do this is to recognise your clients’ and celebrate their personal achievements, no matter how small. Whether it's improved flexibility, increased strength, or reaching a specific milestone, acknowledge their progress and provide positive reinforcement. This will boost their confidence and motivation. Who doesn’t love a compliment? Little acts of encouragement go a long way in improving your clients’ satisfaction!

What’s your client after? Find out! 

Understanding your client's fitness goals and expectations is essential as a Pilates instructor. Just remember that this is an ongoing process, which is why it’s nice to be reminded. Regular communication, feedback, and reassessment are essential to ensure you are providing the best possible support and guidance on their Pilates journey. 

Some practical and instant ways that you can get to know your clients’ expectations is simply by asking the class where they’re at, or by having individual conversations with them. It can be tricky to tailor your class to meet everyone's individual needs. So, watch and listen in class to assess your client's physical abilities and any limitations they may have. Observe their movement patterns, posture, and alignment during their initial sessions. This will help you adapt the exercises and modifications to meet their specific needs and abilities. 

Of course, clear communication is at the root of all types of success, so if you’re unsure about how your clients’ are tracking, just ask! Regularly check in with them to see how they are feeling and if they have any feedback or questions. 

Change it up and keep it fun!!

Providing variety and progression to each class will help keep your clients’ engaged, happy and satisfied. Doing the same exercises day in and day out can become monotonous and boring, which can lead to a lack of motivation and enjoyment. By incorporating variety into your clients’ Pilates class, you keep things interesting and challenging, making it more likely that they’ll continue the practice long-term. 

What’s the best way to do this? We suggest you introduce new movements, stretch their skills gradually, and provide opportunities for progression. This helps prevent boredom, stimulates growth, and keeps clients excited and happy about their practice. Not only will this expand your clients’ skills, but it will require you as an instructor to continuously educate yourself! 

Stay up to date with Pilates techniques, research, and don’t shy away from industry trends. By staying in the loop and continuously expanding your knowledge and skills, you can provide your clients with fresh and effective workouts. 

Remember, each client is unique, so understanding their individual needs and preferences is essential in creating a positive Pilates experience for them. 

If you liked this blog, check out ‘Happier Clients in 4 Simple Steps’ for tips to improve your studio space even more. 

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